The ‘Design Agency within Earth Systems’ symposium invites submissions to look through these planetary lenses to reflect upon the complicity of design in the destruction of the planet; to question the two dimensional, land based political technologies, by which we order our lives and our relations to the earth; to explore the material dimensions of air, ground and ocean as inter-twinings of socio-political and earth systems; and to imagine relations between socio-political and earth systems differently through design.
El premi fou lliurat al Forum Internacional de Padova (Itàlia) 'Eco Tech Green' el passat 20-21 de setembre, el premi concedit correspon a la categoria 'Infraestructures verdes i verd tecnològic'. EMF forma part de l'equip de redacció i execució junt amb l'arquitecte italià Franco Zagari i PAN Associati.